Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not ready

C has shown some major interest in potty training in the last month or so.  I procrastinated on going all out because we had so much going on, including a couple of road trips.  Finally, I couldn't rationalize it away any longer.  I didn't want to miss the oft-coveted window of opportunity if she really was ready.  So about two weeks ago, after  a successful trip to the bathroom, I introduced her to big girl panties.  She did great for the first hour and I thought we might be on to something.  I asked her every half hour and she was eager to go try.  She had another success after that first hour, so I figured we were good for awhile.  Nope, she peed all over the kitchen chair two minutes after peeing in the potty.

Back to the bathroom we went.  I handed her a fresh pair of panties and proceeded to sit on the tiny stool blocking her exit for twenty minutes (!!!) while she wrestled with trying to put them on by herself.  At one point, it was so hilarious I went to grab my phone for documentation.  Unfortunately, I'm still trying to figure out my phone and missed the first five minutes of recording even though I thought I was getting it.  Aaarrgh!  The dialogue went something like this:
Mom: Do you want help with that?
C: No, do it.
Mom: (after watching another futile attempt to get one leg in each hole) Do you want help with that?
C: No, do it, Mommy!
Mom:  (trying to restrain laughter) Can I help you with that?
C: No, Mommy, own.  My do it.  (She patted me on the chest to indicate that I had my own panties to do.  She would do hers, thank you very much.)

While this video is not quite as thorough, it is pretty funny.  And I think it answers the question as to whether or not she is really ready to potty train.  So do the 12 pairs of panties I had to wash that morning.


CMiller said...

hee, hee, hee! Too cute!

Jenny said...

cracking it, you have your own! :) that'll keep me laughing for days

j petter said...

heehee...i agree with have your own to do!! ahhhh....potty training...the biggest joke on mommmies!! hope you're feeling