Monday, November 8, 2010

Three down

I asked my doc if there was anything I could do to prevent the low amniotic fluid toward the end of this pregnancy that has necessitated inducing my previous two pregnancies.  She said about the only thing I had any control over was staying well hydrated.  I asked her for a goal...the usual 64 ounces a day, she said.  I've never been a good water drinker, so I thought I better keep track of it to see how I was doing.

Bad.  I'm doing bad.  Last week, I couldn't get more than 32 oz down in a day without feeling like I was going to puke.  I'm not trying to do it all at once, of course.  But after that fourth glass, I just felt like I could not possibly put more water into my belly.

I'm going for incremental change.  It sounds like such a simple thing, I feel like I should be able to do 8 glasses of water a day.  But for now, I'll be happy if I can consistently do 4.  Next week, I'll aim for 6.  Maybe by my second trimester, I'll be up to 8 glasses a day on more days than not.

I just finished glass 3 for today; one more shouldn't be hard.  Maybe today I can do 5.


Jenny said...

I put lemon in my water and it makes it much tastier and easier to get more in (if that sounds good to your pregnant tastebuds). Or there's crystal light, maybe.

CMiller said...

Good suggestion! I've heard sucking on a lemon takes away queasiness, too. Of course, I heard that after I was all done with pregnancies, so I haven't actually tried it myself. Good luck!