Friday, August 28, 2009

Shelter in Place

It's that season again. Nope, no hurricanes here, although we could use the rain. No, it's time for the students to come back. We live in a college town and classes resume on Monday. So here they come...only about 40,000 of them, plus their parents, siblings and grandparents to help them get settled. Imagine the carpool line on the first day of school at your local elementary and you have a general understanding of the traffic problems this weekend. Only, every driver is about 18 years old, and has a fun, new car that daddy bought them for graduation. Oh, help.

Remember the crowds at WalMart to buy school supplies? Ditto this weekend in every hotel, retail store, restaurant, and fast food establishment. They are everywhere! So, we will be sheltering in place. We're stocked up on groceries, have plenty of gas, and movies to watch on TiVo. Not leaving the house again unless absolutely necessary, and only then to go somewhere that repels students (i.e., the inflatable playground near the mall). The good news is that we can come up for air about mid-week to re-stock, check the levels of civility and then hunker back down for the first home football game next Saturday. Yeeeaaahhh, go team!

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