Monday, April 18, 2011

End of an Era

Well, we finally did it.  Apparently, J traded one boat for another when he got rid of his sailboat and bought a minivan.  Yes, we took the plunge a couple of weeks ago (and signed on enough financing to feed a small African village for a month) and joined the minivan parade.

J was a hard-nosed negotiator and ended up getting us a great deal on a new Toyota Sienna.  I'm still getting used to driving it, especially parking.  He thought I'd get a ding and a speeding ticket within the first ten days, but I didn't.  The engine is bigger than my Accord, so it's really easy to be speeding without any effort.  Gotta keep my eye on that dial.

We still haven't figured out the in/out routine with the girls.  A wants to sit in the very back and she can buckle herself into her booster seat, so that works.  But it would be much more convenient for mommy to have her in the middle row as a helper.  How do all you minivan moms handle the dropped toys, cups, etc. when you can't reach the kids?  Is it just a learning process for the kids to not drop their stuff?

They both want to push the button to open/close the side doors.  This was a feature I really wanted, but it is really causing some strife.  Just another routine we need to work out so everyone gets a turn and no one gets smushed or stuck inside.

Most importantly, we're back onboard the frugal train.  The pay increase that J got a few months ago provided for a van payment.  But we'd been living a little high on the hog in the meantime and it's time to pull that budget back out and dust it off.

And poor J has to make one more sacrifice.  Not only does he have to choke down humble pie as he drives a vehicle he swore he would never drive, but he's also sold his little VW Golf.  It was showing its age, but I know he's missing it since it was like driving a grown-up go-kart.

Lots of changes around here to make that transition to a family of five.  What's next?


Leslie said...

They get used to not dropping toys...because I don't give them back, muahahahaha! Actually, I've pulled over and had Shiloh unbuckle and get Joey's whatever she dropped, and then he will buckle back up.

As far as the closing of the doors...maybe that needs to be a "mama-only" job so that there's no fighting/arguing?

CMiller said...

I tend to open the doors with the driver's button as I turn the car off. This encourages my slow crew to exit the vehicle. I use the fob to close all doors as we walk away. I think this came about because we had a few really close calls of someone getting a hand or leg caught in the door by someone not checking to see if all were out safely. Our doors are not very sensitive about opening when they bump into a small person.

gotta go.

Jenny said...

congrats!! I love my sienna, you will too. yeah, my kiddos just have learned that if they drop something they'll have to wait till we stop to get it.

I do let my kids close the doors (I always just open them from my seat when we get somewhere) and they each close a door.