Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rough Night

Deep breath...last night was a rough one. It took A almost two hours to fall asleep without sucking her thumb. Criminey! She got out of bed at least five times with a million different excuses, but we knew it was because she just couldn't settle down without her thumb. She had a tough time at nap time yesterday and today, too. I let her lay down in my bed next to me and I put my arm over to keep her still. Today I had to tell her that we wouldn't watch any more movies if she couldn't be still and quiet. That did the trick, even though we've already gone through all the princess movies. Which is another reason that last night was rough. Every time I tried to fall asleep, I had a nagging Disney medley running through my head starting with "this provencal life" and "no one fights like Gaston, takes cheap shots like Gaston," then of course, Tale as Old as Time. Throw in a little "honor to us all" from Mulan and "you ain't never had a friend, never had a friend, no you ain't never had a friend like me!" Some friends you'd like to throw out the window.

At any rate, as I was going to bed around ten, I heard C cough a little and wondered if she was getting congested. No, she was throwing up in her bed. We didn't realize that until J went to check on her before he came to bed at midnight. Gross. I could write so much more, but I think gross pretty much sums it up. She continued to get sick every time I tried to lay her down flat, so after three bed changes, I finally wised up and took her to the recliner for what seemed like an eternity, but was really only an hour. I laid her back down on her back and she was fine until morning. No repeat episodes today; that's God's grace to a tired mommy.

So while I was laying in bed singing Disney songs and praying C wouldn't throw up any more, I also asked God to please intervene in our day so that we could somehow be kind to each other after a night like that. I'm so grateful that I'm not alone in the endeavor to be nice when I'm sleep deprived. The same supernatural power that raised Christ from the dead can help me demonstrate self-control and not yell at my preschooler or give me the presence of mind to be creative in my discipline if it is needed. Yes, it was a rough night. But we've had a pretty good day and I give God all the credit for that because that is not something I could ever do on my own.

1 comment:

tpot said...

so glad the surgery went well. I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to hold her and comfort her after that. And what a hard night! I'll pray for you that each night would get better. Let us know how things are going.