Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Little personality

Not that she hasn't already been demonstrating her own personality, but C is definitely starting to come into her own as a little person.  It's fun to see A discover that her baby sister is a viable option for interaction.  Twice today they have actually played together and enjoyed each other.  The first time was this morning as I tried to plan my menu for the rest of the month.  A had gathered a huge bundle of pillows onto the guest bed to make a pillow cave.  C found a little chair and used it to climb onto the bed (crazy climber!).  At first, A was mad about having to share her cave, but then C started climbing all over her and snuggling on her.  That warmed her little selfish heart and she decided to make a spot in the cave for her sister.  That warmed Mom's heart, too. 

Then we were at the grocery store after lunch, coming into the home stretch in the frozen foods.  I was pushing my luck so close to nap time, but they actually did great.  C always wiggles and squirms in the seat and this time, managed to get her hand poking out of the leg hole closest to A's leg.  So she started tickling A, trying to figure out what her hand was touching.  A's face wrinkled up, so I did a quick giggle and told her C was tickling her.  That made her giggle, which actually made C keep tickling.  It was pretty cute and a very pleasant way to end our shopping trip.  So fun to seem them interact!

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