Saturday, January 30, 2010

Battle of Epic Proportions

I'm a little dazed at the moment. Kind of deer in the headlights. I feel like I've gone 10 rounds with a prize fighter and have 3 more to go. A is taking her second nap of the day when we should be attending a friend's birthday party. We had to call and give our regrets; we couldn't attend because of A's poor choices today. And I am so sorry that we chose consequences that effect someone else's joy. I would take that one back if I could.

Wanna know what she decided was more important than a birthday party? What cause could be so worthwhile as to choose it over birthday cake, party games and a houseful of squealing friends? Pears. She chose pears as her fruit at lunchtime then chose not to eat them, forfeiting the privilege of watching a show before nap. After nap, she was confronted again with the pears at snack time. She had been warned that the pears would be back. No snack until the pears are eaten. Everyone else in the family had cookies for snack, she wailed. She decided it would be okay to not eat pears or cookies if someone would play with her. So that was removed as well. No, we will not play with you until you eat your pears. More wailing and gnashing of teeth. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a jovial game of checkers, trying to entice her to eat her pears. Nope, only more wailing. Several throwdowns and spankings later, she was sent to bed. No party, no cake, no cookies, no playing. Over pears!!! Not peas, cabbage, brussels sprouts, but pears!!

I have no idea how long this will take, but it is very clear to J and I that we have to outlast her on this one. We have taken away the show in the past if she didn't eat her fruit. Today it was obviously not incentive enough. As I tucked her in for her second nap, she told me, "Mom, when I get up, I'm not going to eat my pears." We need the Holy Spirit to intervene!

In the greatest of ironies, we will probably negate all healthful benefits of the pears by having some processed, refined mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets for supper. Of course, she has to eat the pears first. Does that count as a bribe? Cause I really don't want to bribe her. She needs to choose to eat the pears.

I'll let you know what happens. It has helped to write this out. When she wakes up, we're going to pray together about the situation and see how God answers our prayer. I'm so glad it's Saturday and J is home.

*I am relieved to report that the battle is over. It wasn't pretty, but it's over. She had pears as an appetizer for supper, then blueberry muffins and raisins. We'll all live to see another day, but there will be large quantities of ice cream during the triage hour following her bedtime.

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