Thursday, December 17, 2009

Annual State of the Family

For inquiring minds who have found their way here via our Christmas card, here's a recap of 2009 highlights to catch you up on our family.

J is finishing his third semester of grad school,  pursuing a PhD in Computer Science. He thrives in academia and is really looking forward to the opportunity to guest lecture in his advisor's classes next spring. He quit corporate life in July to pursue entrepreneurship. He is now CEO, chief cook and bottle washer of Phodder. He has two other guys working with him and business is good enough that they are considering hiring another full-time employee. God has been really good to provide for the first few months of being self-employed and we're looking forward to what He has in store for the next year as well.

A is 3 going on 13. We are doing a preschool homeschool curriculum together this year and she's really interested in the sounds that letters make and figuring out words. She never ceases to amaze us with her vocabulary. Browse around the blog a bit and you'll find her latest antics. We can't possibly play with her too often, watch her too much, or listen too closely to satiate her desire for grown-up interaction. Just this month, she has started making up her own songs and sometimes they even make sense. Some of the "firsts" she has experienced this year include staying in a hotel, going to a carnival, sleeping over at Grandma's, Disney Live, swimming lessons, flying a kite, riding a bus, swinging by herself, and last but not least, being a big sister.

C is weeks away from being one. I just did a pretty thorough post for her 11-month birthday, so I won't repeat too much here. Suffice it to say, she's a whole lotta cute.

And me? Well, I keep all of the above humming. This year, I've made time to start a new bunko group and I'm also coordinating a playgroup for our class at church. We attend a small group Bible study as a family and I also attend a weekly ladies' Bible study. Those activities definitely spackle together the loose edges that seem to unravel after a day's worth of domesticity. Oh, and I've started blogging. If you'd like to keep up with us all year, you can subscribe to the blog and have posts sent to your email.

Your turn...I'd love to hear from you, especially if we haven't seen each other in a while. You can leave a comment below this post or jot me an email (my address hasn't changed). God has been so good to us, blessing us more than we could ever ask or imagine with incredible relationships along our life journey. Hearing from you provides a wonderful opportunity to praise Him for His faithfulness.

Merry Christmas! May 2010 bring you closer to the heart of Christ.


tpot said...

Good to hear from you guys! I love your family pic Christmast card!!! Ya'll are so beautiful! Thank you for your prayers. We are hanging in there.

Michelle East said...

Great to hear yall are doing so well! we miss you in CP/L!