Sunday, February 7, 2010

Been There, Done That

The Men's Retreat for our church was this past weekend, so the moms from our class got together at Chuck E. Cheese on Friday night with all the kids. Chuck E. Cheese. Friday night. Preschoolers. Single moms. Sounds like a whole lot of crazy, doesn't it?

This was our first trip to the Circus for the Senses. And despite the expectation of frayed nerves and germ warfare, it was reasonably fun. Mediocre pizza + overpriced games = preschooler heaven. I have two theories about this type of entertainment, theories that I'm sure are not original. First, the tickets that the games spit out are reward enough at this age; didn't need to divulge the secret of redeeming them for prizes. Second, the glass case that the reward trinkets are displayed in definitely magnifies their size.

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