Friday, February 19, 2010

Encouraging Tomatoes

I have drawn much parenting encouragement from a website I stumbled upon recently, I think I was searching for an "if-then chart," which she doesn't have on her site and doesn't advocate. I have to admit that several of her positions are directly opposite of the parenting advice I have heard in the last three years. But I find it so practical and helpful. I was needing a few new tools in my parenting toolbox, and this site reminded me of some that I wasn't putting into full use. As with all parenting books/sites/forums, glean what is useful for your family and don't let anything replace the ultimate truth of God's word. If her tips work for you, great! If not, don't take it as a commentary on your parenting performance. For my children's personalities/temperaments, her counsel is very helpful. Be warned! You could be lured into hours of browsing, as I think most of her book must be published on the website.

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