Thursday, February 25, 2010

It Had To Be Done

I debated, got other opinions, tried to avoid it, but it had to be done.  Please forgive me.
Now that it's done, I almost regret it.  But I have to remind myself of the snot-matted mess that was stuck to her nose every time she woke up.  It was really nasty.  It worked for awhile to put it up in the top knot, but she discovered it recently and hadn't stopped pulling out the pony tail holders.  I pulled three of them out of her mouth this morning and that was what sealed the deal for me.  Major choke hazard and all.  I'm surprised it took her this long to find them on top of her head.  Lest she pull one out on the way to the salon, I used barrettes for the car ride.
Hmm...pointy metal triangles...that's safer than cotton elastics.  This is also a good perspective shot to remind me that it really did need to be done.  She was great during the cut, didn't fuss at all and actually stayed pretty still.  It gives me hope for maintaining it myself.  

I don't know if there was a language barrier with the stylist or not, but it ended up a LOT shorter than I had hoped.  I know it will grow out fast, so I'm trying to be relaxed about it.  I originally combed through C's hair in the back as I described how I wanted to keep the length in the back and sides and just take care of the mass at the front.  She asked if I wanted to make bangs and I said yes.  Somehow she ended up working her way all the way around.  I kept saying, "That looks good.  I think that will be nice."  or "There we go, now we can see you."  I guess I wasn't explicit enough.  And once she took a whack at the back, we kind of had to even it out.  Not many one-year-olds running around with the wedge 'do these days.  Just don't be too shocked the next time you see our sweet "hair-do," which has been one of her nicknames.

Big sis got in on the action, too.  She was actually a little more of a squirt in the chair than C.  
We just trimmed up her bangs and evened out the back.  Nothing drastic.  But she would love if you noticed the next time you see her.  

Enough trauma for today.  Gotta save some sentiment for tomorrow.

1 comment:

tpot said...

The haircuts are so sweet. I ALWAYS hate that first haircut. It's like saying goodbye to their babyhood, and childhood rushes in with gusto. And, well, you just weren't quite ready for it.
Love the snow pictures!
And I'll be praying for the thumb surgery. For you and her. Abigail has a doc appointment that day, so it will be easy to remember.